CUT LOOZE WITH ANTONIE: For women aged 50 and up and in a good financial situation who find themselves in a contemplative phase of life eager to explore their possibilities ahead!

Isn't it time you put yourself first? I'm here to help.

With 'Grow & Evolve' I can show you how to unlock your true purpose

Revolutionize your next phase of life and release the fears and limiting beliefs that are holding you back.

Through participating in the 'Grow & Evolve' VIP group coaching program, I guide you on how to

  • Clarify the vision you have for yourself
  • Bridging the gap between where you are now and where you see yourself
  • Find clarity on the best path from here
Yes, tell me more!

Do you feel weighed down, unhappy, and stuck? Are fears running your life?

Is this you?

  • You feel like you are slowly becoming irrelevant, invisible even
  • You are scared that the best years of your life are behind you
  • You feel like there has to be more, but are unsure what your purpose or legacy is (the vision you once held for yourself no longer aligns with the person you are today)
  • Your body changed. You’re losing your parents. You’re facing an empty nest. It’s all causing you to feel distressed, unattractive, hopeless and lonely 
  • The job you’re at no longer lights you up (in fact, if you admit it, you’re starting to hate it). You stay put, though, because it pays the bills 💰 and feels safe 
  • You put everyone first, taking care of everything and everybody, but yourself. You’ve even put your dreams on hold, just so they could fulfill their own, letting yourself feel like a people-pleasing, care-giving doormat 
  • Your relationship with your partner or husband feels stagnant and lifeless, and you’re wondering if you’re still right for one another. Or maybe you’re divorced or single and have given up hope that there is someone out there who will walk hand in hand with you toward the future? 

Have you fully considered what it's costing you to hold on to these feelings?

  • You will find yourself in the same place 5/10/20 years from now
  • You will keep ruminating that you never tried to change anything 
  • You take the magic pill that you think will get you out of your lull
  • ... You tell me!

It's time to reshape your life, rediscover yourself, and blaze your own trail.

Imagine ...

  • You feel the rush of WOW and energy as you leap into your new adventure
  • You are unstoppable - as all the confusion and stumbling blocks that were making you feel stuck are removed
  • Are crystal clear on who you are now and what you want in this life: Your purpose, your goals, your unique gifts and the person you wish to be. With each cell of your body you embody it. Live it. 
  • You have the freedom to travel, and spend precious time with loved ones. 
  • You consistently attract people who value you and develop authentic and deeper relationships with them. 
  • You find your path with your partner or to a partner who shares your wisdom. 
  • You succeed in providing for your own health & wellbeing in all areas of your life
  • You feel proud of the life you’re living now. There’s a sense of peace. 

I have the right answer for you!

If you feel it in your gut that something needs to change - NOW – then allow me to hold the lantern on your path so that you can become undone from all the blockages and old stories that have been holding you back from living your best life without any compromises.

Grow & Evolve

VIP group coaching program

It's an unparalleled experience designed for internal breakthroughs and upgrades that will offer you lasting transformational and allow you to show up as a woman living a bold life with no regrets.

The secret sauce that makes Grow & Evolve a transformational program with lasting effect is

The Cut Looze Way

The Cut Looze Way is a holistic approach to personal transformation. The process works from four pillars and is all about supporting you to expand into the best version of yourself while loving yourself along the way. 

The uniqueness of The Cut Looze Way is that it integrates millennial old teachings of consciousness, brain science, and transformational coaching methods. Transforming your life doesn't have to be complicated; in fact, it can be relatively simple to unravel the patterns that have kept you stuck and trapped for so long. 

Meet Antonie!

Antonie is an intuitive life alignment coach. With over a decade of self-development, education and coaching, she knows how to intuitively cut to the root of your issue and shake loose all that’s hidden and dusty inside you, seeing the patterns that are damaging your divine nature.

In 2016, Antonie was struggling with a toxic relationship: the one with herself. She was knee-deep in the trenches of hopelessness, anger, chaos and emotional pain. Antonie had reached a stage in her life where she realized she was not only hurting herself but everyone around her, and if she continued down this road, she knew she’d not only be alone, but living a life of self-hatred and restraint in a prison of her own making. She had to break free.

As she battled her inner dragon and finally took responsibility for her thoughts, feelings and actions, she came to realize that there was nothing wrong with her; that she was perfect just as she was, flaws and all.

It was then that she found the CUT LOOZE methodology, which shook her out of victim mode and completely altered her life (a method she currently uses to work through deep emotional pain with her clients as she leads them toward healing), allowing her to climb out of lifelong misery into authentic joy and wholehearted self-acceptance, where she is living her vision each and every day.

After decades of being her own worst critic and feeling disconnected from herself and her desires, Antonie became conscious of the deep-level damage our beliefs, negative self-talk and thoughts create in our lives. Since then, Antonie has made it her mission to wake women up to the beauty and power they hold within, so they can move beyond their self-doubt, perfectionism, anxiety and confusion into a place of tranquility, connection and wonder.

If you’re ready to fall back in love with yourself, step into living your fullest expression, and create a path to life that feels right, then get in touch with me today.

What my clients say ...

I re-invented my life.

I was in such a difficult point in my life. I was well-off and didn’t have any serious problems. But I felt miserable, frustrated and had no perspective, no goals.

Thanks to Antonie, I gained confidence, was able to look at myself from a different angle, and found out what I want - and who I am. That might sound pathetic [to an outsider] - but it’s nothing less than life-changing for me. -Nico Laudenberg, blogger/quilter, Germany

You were my catalyst!

I knew the Old Me would go back to my old ways of being, so I smashed the old identity. And there was no going back from there, only onwards and upwards. The more I climb higher, the lighter I feel.

Rebeka Stravens, UK

Antonie has been a God-send for me

I had therapists before; however, they could not really help me to have my head, intellect and my body/heart connect with one another and be one piece again.

Antonie slowly and patiently showed me the way in our sessions, herself being well-integrated and a good model for what I needed and deeply sought (and also was afraid of at the same time). Now I am on the mend from the traumas of my childhood, with the goal to become the woman I was meant to be. Ilse-Lore Trunk, Detroit

I'm delighted to invite you to my 9-week

Grow & Evolve

VIP Group Coaching Program

Here's what awaits you:

  • Fall in love with who you are and what you do
  • Step-by-step guidance from someone who walked the path before and sees the FUTURE YOU putting your discoveries to work and the possibilities that lie ahead of you
  • Highly effective transformational, subconscious reprogramming, and energy healing practices so that you finally break through your limited thinking, leave old painful habits behind, and release the echo of your past self 
  • Powerful tools and practices to keep you in a high vibrational and emotional state and stay super committed to your path every day
  • An incredible sisterhood of soulful women who inspire, encourage, and cheerlead you along the way

BONUS: A one-on-one alignment coaching session included in the program to help guide you toward your desired goals

By the end of this program, you will have completely changed how you think and show up for yourself.

  • You appreciate every moment of your life with grace and gratitude and show up motivated for “what’s next”
  • You have tools and practices that you can apply in your every day life
  • You step outside of your comfort zone and follow your calling
  • You have a much deeper and more meaningful relationship with your partner, kids, parents, friends or colleagues
  • You establish a practice of stillness that allows you to be calm, collected and relaxed in triggering situations
  • You heal from your wounds and trauma, not only from your childhood but also what you took upon yourself on a collective level – what you inherited from your ancestors and from society
  • You be your own queen and always wear your inner crown
  • You feel the rush of WOW and energy as you leap into your new adventure

Feeling ready? 

With me promising you lasting transformation you are probably wondering how much the investment is. 

For a limited time, I'm offering an introductory price:

3 installments of $597

or save $250 when you pay in full

This is the only time I'm offering this price, exclusively to the founding members who are ready to take charge of their lives.

To claim your spot and unlock the special introductory price, click the link below.

Remember, this exclusive offer is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Act now to secure your place among the empowered women who are transforming their lives!

More client stories ...

Going from lack to abundance

Antonie expertly guided me through the session. There were parts when we were interacting, and there were parts when Antonie was quietly performing her process. I felt quiet and comfortable the whole time. Antonie conducted the session virtually, and I was amazed that she could deliver spot-on insights even though we weren't in the same room. I came away with energy, joy, and several new insights, and since the session, I have felt like a new person! Antonie is a deeply caring and highly-skilled coach and healer. I highly recommend her to anyone who desires to live a fulfilled life, going from lack to abundance in whichever way.”

Barbara Boldt, Key Note Speaker

Antonie = Amazing

She’s compassionate and relatable, but also guiding and helpful. Working with Antonie has skyrocketed my professional and personal life.
Attending Antonie’s women’s circles and her weekend retreat were a beacon of light since I was struggling with my health and deciding my next career step. Attending her gatherings I loved how truly I felt seen and heard. The questions Antonie asked made me realize what I already knew deep inside. Thank you, Antonie, for your gift of connection, wisdom, and love.

Kasia, small business owner

Antonie is a wonderful facilitator

who respects all group members and challenges them to really look at themselves in the moment and helps guide them through a journey of self reflection.

Kayla, art counselor

This program is not for you if ...

🫷🏽 You don’t believe in change

🫷🏽 Your life/work life is so overscheduled that you won’t find the time to participate and practice

🫷🏽 You are experiencing extreme anxiety or trauma

🫷🏽 You like to rely on yourself and self-help books only

🫷🏽 You doubt that you can shape your own reality

Sleep Soundly Knowing Our Guarantee Has You Covered!

If you find that the transformation you expected from my program hasn't materialize gladly refund the full amount. Simply demonstrate your active participation in the process, including:

  • You've done the work (answering the reflection questions in written form)
  • Attended live group coaching calls
  • Engaged in the private Facebook group.

I'm offering this because you shouldn't have to pay for something that didn't meet your expectations. I am confident that our group coaching program delivers lasting transformation. If, however, you disagree, I want to ensure you feel supported and satisfied.

What will you choose?

Investing in Grow & Evolve provides you with lasting transformation that will pay out for you in the future.  

Grow & Evolve may not be cheap, it’s not an online self-help program that you go through at your own pace. 

It’s a transformation that frees you from limiting stories and patterns that kept you trapped in your old life for far too long. Allow yourself to become the NEW YOU, the one you’ve been waiting for. 

Now, when you weigh staying where you are in life right now, maybe the efforts you take on your own get you a little further ahead, against the investment and what it'll do for you in the future, then it's an easy choice.

The three monthly payments of $597 are a one-time offer to the women participating in the first round. This is the only time I'm offering this price, exclusively to the founding members who are ready to take charge of their lives, and live boldy with no regrets.

To claim your spot and unlock the special introductory price, jump on a quick call with me, and I’ll get you set up.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is this group coaching for me? YES – especially if you’re a soulful woman aged 55 and up and in a good financial situation who aims to live a joyful and exciting life without compromises. 

This group experience will take you on your journey of personal transformation and guide you in stepping into the best version of yourself. You will receive all the tools and practices 

What if I can’t afford this? Being part of this group is an investment in YOU. A more appropriate question would be, how can you afford NOT to do this?
Also please know that a payment plan is available, and we’ll do our best to accommodate your needs.

Why should I choose your services instead of relying on self-help books and free content? Choosing my services over relying solely on self-help books and free content provides you with personalized guidance and support. While books and free resources offer general advice and maybe some success, they often bring you back to your previous habits and beliefs.

With the wealth of my own life experiences and the knowledge and expertise I bring to the table as a life alignment coach, you gain a dedicated partner in your journey. 

How will I know that this group is safe and information shared will be held confidential? This group is a safe and judgment-free zone. The sessions will be very interactive and participants are encouraged to show up by sharing their thoughts and insights, I will set the stage in the beginning of each call and remind the participants to keep 100% confidentiality. As you experience getting full attention from the other participants, you will feel heard and get a deeper sense of being part of the group.

What is the advantage of being in a group rather than having 1:1 sessions with you? Being in a group, you get to be with other like-minded peers that look for support and accountability in reaching a tangible, exciting goal they have in life. As you listen to what your peers ask and the coaching they receive from me, your sense of possibility gets expanded. Being in a group setting is also a safe way to grow and practice your ways of showing up. By being mirrored and reflected on what you share, the sense of your being expands as you become more aware of your own brilliance. The structure of accountability, support, and inspiration from each other amplify the possibilities, and transformation ripples through the whole group. 

What do I need in these group sessions? All you need is some quiet and uninterrupted time, a journal, curiosity, and a willingness to be open to what wants to emerge. I’ll help you with the rest.

What if I can’t make it live? The group coaching sessions are recorded and available for access within your private Facebook group. If you have any questions, feel free to post them in the group, and I will ensure that you receive the attention and support you need. Additionally, you have the option to schedule one free one-on-one session with me to discuss any specific concerns or queries you may have.

What will happen after the program ends? Can I work with you 1:1? 2-3 weeks after the group coaching program has ended you get a bonus 30-minute 1:1 coaching session with me. After that you have the option to continue working with me 1:1 for an extended period of time or join my membership program. Details about the membership program will be shared at the end of the group coaching program

Don't miss out! Claim your spot below.

2024 - Present © Cut Looze LLC. All rights reserved.